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As we all know 1904 - 1905 was a special time when God visited Wales and people were converted. Halfway and the surrounding villages were not excluded from this blessing and it was during this time that groups of people decided to hold prayer meetings in their homes. One such meeting was held in Capelhir, one in Glanyrafonddu Isaf, another in Blaencwmrefel and yet another in Tinyfford, Salem. As these people continued to pray, they felt that it was right to open a church of their own.
In 1910, they started saving their money and arranged special collections towards this project - a great sacrifice! Opposite Glanyrafonddu Isaf, there used to be a blacksmith's forge. On 22 September 1913, Mr David Evans of Glanyrafonddu Isaf bought the Smith's forge and surrounding land from John Philip Griffiths of Cwmdu Inn
The old building was pulled down and Ebeneezer Church was built. Women worked hard carrying stones from the nearby river to place in the foundation of the building. Jack Evans (son of Davie Evans) left home each day at 9.00 am to get bricks from Llandybie Quarry. Mr Stephen Bowen, a building contractor from Llandybie and other faithful people built Ebeneezer. Services were held in the Church in 1914 but the official opening took place April 24 - 26, 1915.
Down the years people have experienced God's blessing as they met faithfully for services in the little church and we continue to know His presence and blessing today as we come together to worship our wonderful and faithful God.
(written in 2003 by Mr Morgan, Minister)

Fel y gwyr pawb bu 1904 - 1905 yn adeg arbennig pan fu i Dduw ymweld a Chymru ac fe gafodd lluoedd droedigaeth. Disgynnodd y fendith ar Halfway fel ar nifer o bentrefi cyfagos ac yn ystod yr adeg yma penderfynnodd grwpiau o bobl i gynnal cyfarfodydd gweddi yn eu cartrei. Cynhaliwyd un yn Capelhir,un yn Glanyrafonddu Isaf,un ym Mlaencwmrefel ac un arall yn Tinyffordd Sslem. Fel y bu i'r cyfarfodydd barhau teimlai'r bobl y byddai'n iawn i agor eglwysi eu hunain.
Ym 1910 dechreuasant gynnilo eu harian gan drefnu casgliadau arbennig i ariannu'r gwaith--aberth enfawr. Ar Fedi 22ain 1913 prynnodd David Evans Glanyrafonddu Isaf yr efail gof a'r tir o'i hamgylch a oedd gyferbyn a Glanyrafonddu Isaf,oddiwrth John Philip Griffiths Tafarn Cwmdu.
Dymchwelwyd yr efail ac adeiladwyd Eglwys Ebeneser. Gweithiai'r gwragedd yn galed wrth gario'r cerrig o'r afon gyfagos i'w gwneud yn sylfaen i'r adeilad. Gadawai Jack Evans (mab Davie Evans) ei gartref bob bore am naw o'r gloch i fynd i lawr i Chwarel Llandybie i hol brics. Adeiladwyd Ebeneser gan adeiladydd o Landybie sef Mr Stephen Bowen gyda help ffyddloniaid eraill. Cynhaliwyd cyfarfodydd yn yr Eglwys ym 1914 ond ar Ebrill 24-26ain 1915 y bu'r Cyfarfod agoriadol swyddogol.
Ar hyd y blynyddoedd bu i bobl brofi bendithion Duw wrth gyfarfod gyda'u gilydd yn yr eglwys fach ac fe ddeil y bendithion i ddod yn gyson wrth gasglu ynghyd i addoli y Duw rhyfeddol a ffyddlon.
(Ysgrifennwyd ym 2003 gan y Gweinidog Mr Morgan)
(Kindly translated by Brenda James).

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