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This letter is in the hand of the hymn writer and mystic, Ann Griffiths (1776-1805) who was born at Dolwar Fach farmhouse, Llanfihangel-yng- Ngwynfa, Montgomeryshire.

Like many of her generation, Ann Griffiths experienced a spiritual awakening under the influence of the Methodist Revival. She went on to write some of the most important hymns in the Welsh language, works which are regarded by many as masterpieces of European religious verse.

Her work was heavily influenced by the Welsh Bible, and also by the folk songs of her area. She also came into contact with the theological ideas of her neighbour, the preacher, John Hughes.

Ann Griffiths wrote this letter to her friend, Elizabeth Evans. Elizabeth was probably the sister in law of John Hughes. Of the eight letters of hers which have survived, this is the only example of a letter in Ann Griffiths's hand. Her letters express profound spiritual experience, and give us an idea of the subjects discussed in the Methodist meetings of the period. The poet and critic Saunders Lewis was of the opinion that they contain 'some of the most sublime religious prose in the Welsh language'.

Ann Griffiths was married in 1804; but died the following year, soon after giving birth to a child who lived for only two weeks.

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