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This account lists physical and verbal attacks made by Lady Dayrell on her husband, their servants and on her husband's friends in the weeks before leaving him on 6 November 1677.

It is recorded here that for about the previous three weeks, she has been discontented and unquiet, watching [going without sleep?] several days and nights together, that she abused her husband several times, turned several servants away without cause, and was displeased with her husband and used ill language to him because he would not beat them before they went.

That about 23 October she said she would go to London, saying she had important business there, and that she would take leave of her friends and relations, and in particular of Lewis Morgan, her husband's brother. After nightfall she took a horse to go to Lewis Morgan's house, but rode directly to Newport and spent the night at the house of Thomas Bassett, which is an inn and a tavern. She returned home the next morning.

That on Saturday 27 October she rode to Sir Trevor Williams's house at Llangibby, and returned about 8 o'clock that night in a very discontented manner. At about 12 or 1 o'clock at night she went into her husband's chamber where he was asleep, and opened the curtains [?of a four-poster bed rather than of a window] in a great rage and passion, and called two of the maid servants attending her to see how like a monkey her husband looked. As he was still asleep, she laid hands on him to wake him, and when he did not wake she fell violently upon him in the bed, striking his head and face with her hands. Having woken sufficiently, he mildly asked her what ailed her, and why she did not come to bed. She made at him violently again, and declared that she would either kill or be killed, that she was ready to do it, and that she would damn herself or be revenged on him. Mr Morgan having got out of bed, she ran at him and struck him and tore his shirt and what he had around his neck. Mr Morgan twice put her out of his chamber, and twice she forced open the door and abused him, and attempted to abuse the things in the chamber, breaking a looking glass and endeavouring to break a cabinet. She said that she would have a pair of 'cysers' [scissors] or a knife and cut her hair, but being denied them, and her husband charging that they should be kept from her, she attempted to burn her hair, first with a candle and then in the fire, but was kept from doing it.

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