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28 October, 1843.

My dear Sir,

I am exceedingly shocked I never answered your queries about the money you have expended in obtaining information. I will be answerable for it, and pray let me have the amount to send up to Government.

I expect a professional gentleman here connected with the Government will, as soon as the Special Commission is over in Glamorganshire, and through him I must arrange that this sort of payment should be allowed for in some regular way for the future, as also the mainenance of.

If it has not been done, will you be good enough to appoint all the London Policemen Special Constables for the county? I omitted from an oversight to do it, and it is necessary for their payment legally from the county rate. It will be necessary to get, if you have not already, some information on oath of disturbances having taken place or apprehended in the county, then the men may be appointed by name, and sworn for the county, if you think it necessary as they have been so already and a return of the names sent to me, and which I will forward to the Secretary of State.

The men I wish you, if you please, to see to in this matter are those at Cross Hands, Gellywernen, Lannon, and Pontardulais, and also Llanelly, if you will be kind enough to do so, telling Mr Chambers you have been asked by me to see to this, as it will save me a letter, and as you are there every day it can easily be done without giving you trouble. You will want a 2nd Magistrate's attendance I imagine, if you have not got a sufficient information already.

Yours very truly,
Geo. Rice Trevor."

[Source: George Eyre Evans, 'Rebecca Riots: Unpublished letters, 1843-44', The Transcations of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, vol. XXIII, p. 72]

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