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'The Queen against John William Jones, Thomas Jones, Seth Morgan, Henry Thomas and Thomas Jones.

See Calendar of last Winter Assize, Nos 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37: Richard Williams of the County of the Borough of Carmarthen late Special Constable and Toll Collector at Porthyrhyd, states, that on the 7th day of August last a mob of Persons attacked and demolished the Toll House at Porthyrhyd at which place applicant was stationed to receive the Tolls. Applicant identified the Prisoners amongst the Rioters and upon his Information they were with with his personal assistance apprehended and tried at the last Winter Assizes, and pleaded Guilty.

Applicant was the only witness examined before the Grand Jury and upon his own Evidence a true Bill was found against the above named Prisoners.

Applicant has experienced much annoyance and difficulty in remaining in the neighbourhood since he laid the Informations against the Prisoners, and their subsequent conviction, and will ultimately be obliged to leave this part of the country.

Applicant begs to submit that having laid the Informations and personally assisted in apprehending the Prisoners at their several ...'

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