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Letter from Oliver Cromwell to the Mayor and aldermen of Haverfordwest, confirming the order for the demolition of Haverfordwest Castle and authorising assistance to be given by other hundreds. Countersigned by Sampson and John Lort. Dated 14 July 1648.


'Lifftenant Generall Cromwells orders for the demollishinge of the Castell of Haverfordwest

Whereas upon view, and consideration with Mr. Roger Lort Mr. Samson Lort and the maior and Aldermen of Haverfordwest it is thought fitt for the preservinge of the peace of this Countye that the Castle of Haverfordwest should bee speedily demolished. Theise are to Authorise you to call unto your assistance in the performance of this service, the Inhabitants of the Hundreds of Daugleddy Dewisland Kemis, Roose, and Kilgarren whoo are heerby required to give you asistance

Given under our handes this 14th of July 1648

To the maior and Aldermen of Haverfordwest

O. Cromwell
Sam. Lort
John Lort

Endorsement: For the honorable Liuetenant Generall Cromwell these at Pembrook.'

Source: Pembrokeshire Record Office

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