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Sir William Paxton and his Hound
Honors Description:
This is perhaps the most splendid mansion in South Wales, and the interior arrangements and decorations comport with its exterior magnificence.
The house was built for its present proprietor by Mr cockerel the architect. It is situated on a gentle elevation in the midst of a pleasant vale that branches off to the eastward of the Towy, and forms the only opening of the kind in the chain of hills this side of the river between Llandeilo and the sea.
The venerable tree in the foreground called the Dynefwr oak has long been celebrated as a landmark, but it may now lay claim to greater dignity as an interesting object in the home scene, adorning with its majestic shade the polished lawn that surrounds it.
Having now finished our ramble we may change the beauties of nature which it has presented to us for the elegancies of art displayed in the mansion, the noble hall which we will now suppose ourselves to have entered.
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