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This is a letter of sympathy sent to Mrs Regan after her husband Sgt John Regan was killed during the First World War. The letter was written by T Bartlett and only the last page is had. Sergeant John Regan was born in Penarth on 1 May 1882. He enlisted as a volunteer to fight in the First World War. At the time he was called away he was the father of a large family of four boys and a girl. His wife was also expecting another child, who was born on 6 May 1916 while John was preparing to cross over to France. Sadly, he never had the chance to meet his youngest daughter. He was killed in action on 31 July 1916. He was buried at Peronne Road Military Cemetery near Maricourt on the Somme, close to the spot where he died.
According to CWG roll of Honour, Battery Sergeant Major T Bartlett, 113 Siege Battery was killed a month after John Regan on 30 August 1919, along with 5 other members of the Glamorgan RGA serving with 113 Battery; Bombardier Hunter, Gunner Boyle, Gunner Grant, Gunner T Jones and Gunner H White.

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