
Carmarthen borough's surviving records, dating back to the last quarter of the sixteenth century, form one of the more complete series of documents in the urban history of Wales. At the time this book was written, Carmarthen was the largest and economically most advanced town in Wales with a population of about 2,100.

The 'Booke of Ordinaunces' was 'Made in the Tyme of Griffith ap Ieuan Major A.D. 1581' and was probably used initially, as a permanent record of the town's bye-laws. Its ornate letter heading and neat uniform hand made it ideal for ceremonial occasions such as the inauguration of a new mayor when the 'Booke' had to be handed from the old mayor to the new. However, after the mayoralty of Griffith ap Ieuan the entries deteriorate in ornateness and neatness as the volume became the 'working volume' for the rest of the sixteenth and seventeenth century.

[Source: John Davies, The Carmarthen Book of Ordinances 1569-1607]

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