
A response letter to the Goodwill message written in German by a school teacher. It's a passage from the Bible Revelation 22:1-5,. There is the illustration of a shepherd with a sheep.
Second part of a response letter to the Goodwill message. There is the drawing of a group of people from different cultures standing in front of a book open on a message of peace. Probably the drawing is made by the students and they sign it below.
Third part of the response letter to the Goodwill message written in different languages from the Esch s-Alzette school. The passage from the bible is translated in French, Italian, English, Spanish, German and says "the world would be to the lovers of peace" (the world belong with the pacifists). There is the drawing of two holding hands, and the students signatures.
Fourth part of the response letter to the Goodwill message. The text is about a congress about the importance of different languages attended by a professor from the Sorbona University, there is the drawing of a dove as a symbol of peace and the student’s signatures.
Fifth part of the response letter to the Goodwill message from the Esch s-Alzette school 3rd April 1933 in Franch. They are grateful about the message received and talk about a garden event. There is a drawing of a man greeting with another man on the other side of the world.
Sixth part of the response letter to the Goodwill message from the Esch s-Alzette school. It's in French and seems like a poetry or another passage from the bible. There is a drawing of two holding hands.
Seventh part of the response letter to the Goodwill message from the Esch s-Alzette school , There are two different passages from the bible, including one about the safety of the king, which is drawing on the top of the page.
Response letter to the Goodwill message in Luxembourgish

Eighth part of the response letter to the Goodwill message from the Esch s-Alzette school in franch. The message is from the kids which want to be an example for the adults by considering each other all brothers and sisters. There is the drawing of a group of kids from different cultures holding each other hands around the world.
Ninth part of the response letter to the Goodwill message from the Esch s-Alzette school in Italian. The message is a consideration about depiction of wild beast on their coat of they usually have as a symbol and there is the drawing of a dragon.

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