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D.L. Evans writes to his family on the 16th of October, 1916 to inform them of his survival. He states that he still has received no letters or parcels from any of them, yet many of the men have received theirs, with some getting as many as 3 parcels. A postcard from London arrived for him stating a parcel for him had been forwarded from the Austrailian British Red Cross on the 6th of September 1916, and he hopes it will arrive in the coming week. Three Austrailians have received similar letters. He is anxious to hear from his family as he has begun to worry suddenly about his father and Nellie in particular, and feels word from them would put his mind at ease, though hopefully not bad news. This letter is intended for all of his family. He wrote last on Friday, so the situation won't be too bad if their letters start arriving in due course. He gives his love to all, and signs off as 'Daff'.

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