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Date: 1 April 1915



Cardiff, March 31.—The British steamer Crown of Castile has been sunk by a submarine off the Scilly Islands.

Her crew was landed at Barry, Wales, this evening by the French steamer Magellan. The men say the submarine was a much faster boat than the one which had previously chased the steamer, but that it took her over an hour to overtake the Crown of Castile.

The steamer was sunk by the shell fire of the submarine, and not by a torpedo. One four-inch shell, the crew declare, was deliberately aimed at the bridge of the steamer before they had left it. It passed between the legs of an apprentice who was standing by the captain. After the crew got into the boats the German commander handed the men cigars.

The Crown of Castile was engaged in the transatlantic trade, and sailed from St. John, N. B., on March 19 for Europe. She was 383 feet long, 2828 tons net and was built and owned in

The Ellerman Line tseamer [sic] Flaminian, of 2218 tons, with a general cargo, from Glasgow to Cape Town, was sunk off the Scilly Isles Monday, March 29, by the German submarine U-28.

This is the same vessel reported sunk last night. Her name was not then known. She had no passengers. Her crew of thirty-nine men took to their boats and were picked up by the Danish steamer Finlandia and landed at Holyhead to-day.

The Flaminian’s chief engineer said:

"The submarine U-28 was sighted at 1:15 Monday afternoon. The captain ordered the boats ready and the steamer proceeded at full speed, the submarine doing fully seventeen knots to our twelve. As she closed three shots were fired at us as signal to stop immediately. This was followed by the order to abandon the ship at once. We took to the boats and were picked up by the Danish steamer Finlandia and treated with every kindness. After we left ten shots were fired at the Flaminian, apparently without effect. She eventually was torpedoed, sinking rapidly. We lost practiically [sic] everything."

The Glasgow liner, City of Cambridge, has arrived in Liverpool after being battered by a German submarine.

U. S. Asks Reparation for Thresher’s Death

Washington. March 31.—State Department officials expect that important representations to, Germany will be necessary in the case of Leon Chester Thresher, a native of Hardwick, Mass., who was drowned when the British steamship Falaba was torpedoed
Sunday by a German submarine in St. George’s Channel.

It is understood that Representative Augustus P. Gardner has already taken up the case with the State Department.

Hardwick, Mass., March 31.—Leon Chester Thresher was a citizen of the United States. He was born in this town in 1884.

Mrs. M. L. Thresher, his mother, to-day said:

"I received a letter from my son Friday telling me he had been in England and Scotland on a vacation and would return to Africa aboard the Falaba.

"He is a mining engineer and had been in the employ of the Broomassi Gold Mining Company at their mines on the Gold Coast. He had been in their employ for a year. Before joining them he was in the employ of the Government in this country in several different departments as an engineer. He had been employed also in South America and Panama.

"My other son has requested Representative Gillett, of our district, to interest Washington officials in the case.

World War history: daily records and comments as appeared in American and foreign newspapers, -1926. (New York, NY) 29 Mar. 1915, p. 146. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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