The Holocaust and Wales: Memories of Kristallnacht: The Last Bar Mitzvah


Cover image


On 9 and 10 November 1938, the Nazi regime conducted a series of attacks called ‘pogroms’ against the Jewish population in Germany and other Nazi-occupied territories. This event became known as Kristallnacht or ‘Night of Broken Glass’ because of the shattered glass that filled the streets after the vandalism and destruction of synagogues, Jewish-owned businesses and homes. In this collection of resources, we explore Julius Weil’s recollections of this devastating event. Julius Weil died in Cardiff in 2021.

This resource explores Julius Weil’s account of his Bar Mitzvah, the last to take place in the Glockengasse Synagogue, in Köln (Cologne), Germany, before it was destroyed during Kristallnacht.

Image above: Interior view of the destroyed Fasanenstraße Synagogue, Berlin, burned during the November Pogroms, November 1938. Image: Center for Jewish History, New York City. Courtesy of Leo Baeck Institute.


The resource contains:

I. Guidelines for Teachers:

- What are the purpose, learning aims, and focus of the resource?
- What skills, knowledge, and experience does the resource help develop?
- How does the resource support learning in local (cynefin), national and international contexts?
- Background information about Kristallnacht.
- Ideas and questions.
- Links to research and further information.

II. Information Sheet and Activities for Learners:

- Information sheet about Kristallnacht.
- Julius Weil’s biography.
- Suggested activities.


This resource was initially produced in 2021/22 as part of the 'Côf a lithr, llythyrau a geidw: creating Holocaust resources for Welsh schools' partnership project between Centre for the Movement of People (CMOP), Aberystwyth University, and Jewish History Association of South Wales/Cymdeithas Hanes Iddewig De Cymru (JHASW/CHIDC). The work was kindly supported by the Association of Jewish Refugees, Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust, Jewish Historical Society of England and Garfield Weston Foundation.

It was amended to suit the Curriculum for Wales requirements in 2024 by the Jewish History Association of South Wales/Cymdeithas Hanes Iddewig De Cymru (JHASW/CHIDC) thanks to a grant from the Association of Jewish Refugees and Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust.


Curriculum for Wales

Expressive Arts, Health and Well-being, Humanities, Languages, Literacy and Communication

Age: 9-14 / Progression Steps: 3 and 4


Learning Activity Pack

This is one of two resources on the topic of Kristallnacht and one of 20 about the Holocaust and Wales. Here is a link to the other resource in this series: 

Memories of Kristallnacht: Destruction and Flight


See the Quick Links below for content to accompany this resource.

Curriculum for Wales

Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4

Download Learning Resource

Kristallnacht_Y Bar Mitzvah Olaf_Dysgwyr.pdf (Opens in a new window) Kristallnacht_Y Bar Mitzvah Olaf_Athrawon.pdf (Opens in a new window) Kristallnacht_The Last Bar Mitzvah_Learners.pdf (Opens in a new window) Kristallnacht_The Last Bar Mitzvah_Teachers.pdf (Opens in a new window)

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