Tudor Houses and Homes


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What kind of homes did people have in Tudor times? What did they look like, how were they made and what were they made of? Were they simple or luxurious? Look at photographs, drawings and plans of different Tudor houses. Develop planning, thinking and communication skills, and learn about life in Tudor times.

This resource is bilingual.


Curriculum for Wales

Humanities, Languages, Literacy and Communication


Age: 8-11 / Progression Step: 3


Learning Activity Pack

This resource provides learning activities for your students using our content. See the Quick Links below for content to accompany this Teaching Resource.

Curriculum for Wales

Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3

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Tudor_Homes_Tair_Tuduriaid.pdf (Opens in a new window)

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