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Date: 15 March 1918


[group picture of submarine crew in conning tower]

R. HUMPHREYS, Leading Stoker
H. M. Submarine with the Grand Fleet

“Your wonderful Tonic Phosferine has kept me on my feet. I have been just over 10 years in the Navy and when I joined the Submarines, a few years ago, I could not get used to them, and felt run down in health and strength; I feel it most when I am on long dives under the sea. I have spent any amount of money in medicine, but none did me any good, till I was telling one of my old shipmates a few weeks ago how much I was run down in health, and how weak I am through serving in Submarines, and he told me how Phosferine kept him on his feet. He told me to try the same, so I did, and I can tell you Phosferine has done more for me than any other medicine I have ever had; before I took Phosferine I was in an unhealthy condition, and since taking it I have my heart in my work, and I can do anything and go anywhere, which I could not do before taking Phosferine.”

This Leading Submarine Stoker considers Phosferine is the only specific which enables him to endure the physical and mental strain of cruising under water—Phosferine ensures that the nerve organisms produce the extra vital force to withstand the rigorous conditions daily experienced.

When yon require the Best Tonic Medicine, see that, you get
Nervous Debility / Influenza / Indigestion / Sleeplessness / Exhaustion / Neuralgia / Maternity Weakness / Premature Decay / Mental Exhaustion / Loss of Appetite / Lassitude / Neuritis / Faintness / Brain-Fag / Anaemia / Backache / Rheumatism / Headache / Hysteria / Sciatica

Phosferine has a world-wide repute for curing disorders of the nervous system more completely and speedily, and at less cost than any other preparation.

SPECIAL SERVICE NOTE Phosferine is made in Liquid and Tablets, the tablet form being particularly convenient for men on ACTIVE SERVICE, travellers etc. It can be used any time, anywhere, in accurate doses, as no water is needed. The 3/- tube is small enough to carry in the pocket, and contains 90 doses. Your sailor or soldier will be the better for Phosferine—send him a tube of tablets. Sold by all Chemists, Stores, etc. Prices: 1/3, 3/- and 5/-. The 3/- size contains nearly four times the 1/3 size.

No Title. The Cambria Daily Leader. 15 Mar. 1918. 4.

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