The Photo collection of W. E. Bowen, Glynneath.

Welcome to the W E Bowen photo collection, this collection is for the storage of all the old photos my father collected over the years. W E Bowen or Billy as he was known had a passion for photography and recorded many events in the Upper Neath Valley and surrounding districts.

One of his other passions was collecting old photos of the area, people would come to him to copy old photos they had and ask him to copy it, in return with their permission he would keep a copy of the photo for his own collection. Unfortunately record keeping was not his strong point so I have no record of who donated what photo over the years.

There are 18 items in this collection

  • 719
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  • 736
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 584
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 614
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 708
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 746
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,051
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,005
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 627
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,655
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,174
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,372
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 1,122
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save
  • 548
  • Use stars to collect & save items login to save

See also: