Oral History: A Guide for Schools


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History is all around us. We only have to ask our own families and communities. They can tell us enough stories to fill a library of books. This kind of history is called ORAL HISTORY.

Documents and books often concentrate on famous people and big events. But many people’s experiences and voices have been hidden from history. Oral history fills in the gaps and gives us history which includes everyone.

With digital technology, anyone can preserve oral histories and share them with others. It is a wonderful way of developing digital and interviewing skills while learning about history.  It can build the confidence of young people and respect between generations.

This guide has been created in partnership by the Oral History Society and People’s Collection Wales. It offers helpful advice on getting started with an oral history project in your school or community.


Curriculum for Wales

Humanities, Languages, Literacy and Communication, Digital Competence Framework


Age: 8-16 / Progression Step: 3, 4 a 5


Learning Activity Pack

This resource provides learning activities for your students using our website. See the Quick Links below for content to accompany this Teaching Resource. 

Curriculum for Wales

Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 8-11 / Progression Step 3
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
Age: 11-14 / Progression Step 4
age: 14-16 / Progression Step 5
age: 14-16 / Progression Step 5
age: 14-16 / Progression Step 5
Lifelong learning

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Hanes_Llafar_Canllaw_Ysgolion.pdf (Opens in a new window) Oral_History_Guide_Schools.pdf (Opens in a new window) Cynllun_Gwers_Hanes_Llafar.pdf (Opens in a new window) Oral_History_Lesson_Plan.pdf (Opens in a new window)

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