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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.


Page 1.
- COVER: “PEACE // WAR” cartoon.

Page 2.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “We don’t need a war to win the peace” article on the failures of the NPT Review Conference where the Mayor of Hiroshima pledged to have a nuclear-free world by 2020 but are instead in preparations for new campaigns against nuclear weapons.
- “I want to join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” form to join and donate.

Page 3.
- “Trident Replacement - what you can do about” information piece and appeal for direct action. Includes EDM 649 tabled by Jeremy Corbyn MP.

Page 4.
- Continuation of “Trident Replacement - what you can do about” information piece and appeal for direct action.
- “Support non violent direct action” appeal for support to ‘Block the Builders’ campaign at Aldermaston to bring awareness of testing of new nuclear weapons and Faslane Peace Camp holding Trident nuclear weapons system.

Page 5.
- Continuation of “Trident Replacement - what you can do about” information piece and appeal for direct action.
- “Support Trident Ploughshares” appeal.
- “Send a Christmas Card to Tony!” advertisement.
- “Greenpeace tries to pave the way for a public debate” article on a Freedom of Information Act request to the MoD to release studies on the Trident replacement.

Page 6.
- “Can Ray blockade them? Yes he can!” article on the CND Cymru Vice-Chair joining the newly formed ‘Block the Builders’ blockade at Aldermaston.
- “Action on armed forces recruitment” article.

Page 7.
- “news round up: Wales” section.
- “Terry Waite in Llangollen” piece on the writer, broadcaster and charity campaigner who became the 2006 President of the International Eisteddfod.
- “Trespass on Mynydd Epynt” article.
- “On the streets of Brecon” on the results of a ballot conducted by the Brecon Peace and Justice Group asking ‘how long should British troops stay in Iraq?”.
- “Not one more death” piece on 100 British soldiers who died in Iraq with advertisement of a vigil being held in Bangor and Cardiff.
- “Don’t let Fallujah be forgotten” piece on a vigil hosted by Wrexham Forum for Peace and Justice for those who lost their home and families by coalition forces in Iraq.

Page 8.
- “A Welsh remembering for Hiroshima and Nagasaki” article reflecting the 60th anniversary of the dropping of nuclear bombs in different parts of Wales amidst threats of Blair’s plans for a programme for ‘smart new nuclear weapons’.

Page 9.
- “News round up” section.
- “Freedom to Protest” piece on a protest picnic of furless friends to support the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to defy draconian legislation.
- “White Poppies” article on Armistice Day.
- “100,000 unauthorised rings” piece on a project and vigil held outside DOwning Street to those who were killed in Iraq.
- “An appeal for the Peace Tax Seven” article.

Page 10.
- Continuation of the “News round up” section.
- Continuation of “An appeal for the Peace Tax Seven” article.
- “Anti-Trident campaigners put brakes on Rolls Royce” article.
- “Illegal weaponry used on Fallujah?” article.
- “A ban on uranium weapons?” article marking the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict.
- “100,000 bells campaign” article.

Page 11.
- “A Welsh woman in Milan” article on the European Youth Network for nuclear Disarmament Foundation meeting, with young anti-nuclear activists, attended in order to let politicians know how those ‘in power’ should be sorting out the planet.

Page 12.
- “US national missile ‘defense’” section.
- “Making Time for Space” article on the concerns expressed by various Welsh peace campaigners on the British Government’s support to the US Government of its National Missile Defense (NMD) programme without consulting the British people.
- “Supporting US Campaigners against Missile Defence and Weapons in Space” information piece on different meetings and demonstrations taking place against the US Government policy.

Page 13.
- “Nuclear Power is not the Solution to Climate Change” article on the Government’s intentions to publish new proposals in 2006 on energy policy where all options (including nuclear power) can be assessed for their ability to tackle global warming and solve energy insecurity, and how this complicates the UK’s climate change objectives.
- “Houseman Peace Diary” advertisement.
- “PEACE AND PROGRESS” advertisement of a Welsh political party.

Page 14.
- Book Review of Bruce Gagnon’s “Come Together RIGHT NOW - Organising Stories from a Fading Empire”[Just Write Book], reviewed by Jill Stallard.
- Book Review of Kate Hudson’s “CND - Now More Than Ever: The Story of a Peace Movement” [Vision Paperbacks, 2005], reviewed by Pat Allen and Bruce Kent.
- Book Review of Sarah Hipperson’s “Greenham: Non-Violent Women -v- The Crown Prerogative” [Greenham Publications Paperback, 2005].

Page 15.
- Book Review of Scottish CND’s “Fortress Scotland”.
CD Review of Cyril Snear’s “Wiping His Feet on The Doormat of England”, reviewed by Cheryl Buxton.
- “Two initiatives to achieve parliamentary control over armed conflict” article on a bill and Early Day Motion proposing the Prime Minister to show the case and legal justification to use the armed forces in armed conflict toward Parliament before voting its approval.

Page 16.
- “Diary Dates” events by sympathetic organisations working for peace and environmental and human justice in Wales.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “A legacy for humankind” short piece by CND Cymru.

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