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Page 1:
[top right corner] 85
Information by

Evan Roberts -

Joseph Anthony Overseer of the ^ Hamlet of Rogerstone
in the Parish of Bassaleg will prove that he was
pressed by the first division of the Chartists on the
morning of the 4th Novr last & made to go towards
Newport - Whilst he was going towards Tredegar Park
he saw a Man on horseback - the man had a wooden
leg - because Anthony could not walk fast enough
the wooden legd man struck him across the shoulders -
Anthony saw him in Tredegar Park but not afterwds

Page 2:
[across 2nd paper fold]
Reg[in]a v
Wooden leg
Joseph Pillinger

Evidence of Joseph
Bassaleg [in red ink]

Who has Turners'
[ contd in pencil/ and partly overwritten on above line...]
Mr Anthony is to call
on Friday the 6th

Jas Lewis Full
Moon nr Stricklands
John a Hallier
works for Edmund
Thomas the Weigher
at Sir C Morgans

[at foot of page]

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