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Page 1:

"will you act with the Convention for ulterior proceedings"?
"We will - we will" - Llewellin giving the first response
- Vincent continued "then will be the time to see that
we are linked and bound together as one man in a
glorious cause - the word now will be said in London
- it will be responded to in Birmingham - it will be
answered in Scotland - in Wiltshire - in Bath - in Bristol
- and now will also resound throughout the Hills of
South Wales - and when the word now is given
then will our hands East West North and South
be simultaneously stretched out and we will lay
hold upon the pillars of the constitution and we will
rock it and toss it to and fro until it shall totter
from its foundation and base up to the very highest
point of it - then shall the pretty little bauble which
is placed on the top of this pillar of the constitution
be unable to keep its seal - it shall totter and reel
to and fro and at last over it shall come and down
it will fall " - there was also most tremendous -
cheering - Llewellin joining -

Newport Public Reference Library

Page 2:
No 20 (2)

John Lewis Llewellyn

Hon. Mr Talbot to
prepare Bill of
Indictment agst
Prisoner for
Sedition and
Conspiracy or for
Sedition only if he
thinks the Evide
not sufficiently
Strong to include
both Charges at
the Instance of the


[pencil annotations]
Evidence of two Special
Constables having been shot
in the passage ~
Sir T. Phillips.

Identity of arms & places
where they were picked up.

Watkins Crofts Servant
Whether he can positively identify

John Thomas
as to the time he
went home with Hodge

Evidence as to route of
Mob to be fair copd

[r. margin]
I don't think that the evidence set forth in the within depositions disclose
a case against Llewellin upon which a conviction would be likely to follow a prosecution
[*initialled ?] ...


Newport Public Reference Libraries

[* ?? TW / Phs]

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