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Thomas Waters of the Beaufort Iron
Works Miner - states - on Sunday Evening the
3rd November at 6 Oclock I went to Carmel Chapel
at the Beaufort Works I had been there about
2 hours I should think when some men came
into the Chapel and disturbed the congregation.
The Preacher said in his discourse we were all born to die, when
one of the persons who had come in cried out, yes
some of you sooner than you think for or words
to that effect. There were about half a dozen
men in the Chapel & I should think about 50 or
60 more outside - I & some others went to the door
& asked them to keep silence & leave us alone -
They said 'We were bound to come along with them.
& continued their interruption - I went back into
Chapel with several others & told the rest I thought
it was no use attempt continuing the service -
the congregation being very much frightened began
to disperse very quickly - Many ran away - some
hid themselves - I left my wife in the Chapel
I went out to see if there was a possibility of

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escape & thinking there was, I went back for
my Wife - I met Mrs Ridge the Minister's Wife
who asked me to put out the Candles in the Gallery
& I went to do so - A man who I don't know
followed me up the stairs & called me & another
man who was hiding under a bench there to come
down - the other man went down. I said I
was putting out the Candles & when I had finished
I would come down - As I was coming down
I saw George George standing on the Gallery
Stairs - he said to me - What did I go to hide
myself for - I said I didn't think of such a
thing - I also said Georgy is that you my boy
Impossible that you are going to make a blackguard
of yourself - he replied "Did you ever see
me a blackguard Tom" No" said I & I hope
you are not going to begin to night - he said "No" -
He also said I could not excuse myself as I
was active enough to go - he did not say where
& I did not ask him - I left him standing
on the stairs & went out of the Chapel to my home
with my wife & putting some money in my

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pocket I started off about 9 Oclock into
Brecknockshire to be out of the
way of the Chartists - & did not return until
Thursday night - I did not see George George
in the Chapel until I saw him on the Gallery stairs -
Thomas Waters

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George George

Evidence of Thomas Waters
3d Jany mak[in]g 3 copies [signature ? OM]

682. [In bottom left corner of central spine]

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