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18 [In top right corner of page]

Gaol Mr Evans who sent me to Gaol is a Blacksmith and lives at
Pill - John Gibby has worked for Mr Evans - I never saw Pikes in
his house; I saw the drawing of a Pike in chalk on the shutter of the
Shop window about a couple of days before this row began it was
it was the same shape as those I saw the Prisoner making; John Gibby
was there and saw it and fifteen others were - Evans carries on the
moulding business, makes chains and is an Anchor Smith - a
man named Evan Jones a Blacksmith who worked in the Shop
Drew the Pike on the Shutter - I saw him draw it, about 2 or 3 days
before the Riots - I did not hear anyone tell him how to draw it. It
seemed as if for passtime in the Shop
David X Herring
Edward Brickley of Newport Blacksmith on his oath saith I am
there nearly two years - I know William Stephens, he is present, I
I know John Gibby he is present also - there is Stephens (pointing to him)
and this (pointing to Gibby) is John Gibby - I have worked for Stephens
before the Riots immediately before - I remember the Riots at Newport I
I know it was on a Monday but don't know the day of the month - I
know a man named Davies who lives at the Pottery beyond Pill - I was
at work for Stephens the week before the Riots - I saw Davies come with a
pattern to Stephen's Shop with a pattern made of wood and said he
and said he wanted a thing made of that form to rise earth with - It was a
long thing about 10 inches long - about 1 inch and a half wide a
a flat top. It was one straight piece of Iron - I did not hear him
call it any thing, it was all solid and flat - the edges were
not sharp - My Master made a thing according to the pattern.
I know Jenkin Morgan the Milkman - he came to the Shop and asked my
Master to make another, that the first was broke, but he did not bring
it with him. my Master did make another. I swear never saw such
a thing made for digging Earth - I have been a Blacksmith 7 Years
- I remember the Friday night before the riot - John Gibby came to our Shop
and the last witness came with him - William Stephens came in afterwards

4 [In a spiral at bottom centre of page]

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