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saw the Prisoner Lovell among them armed with a Gun
didn't observe that the person with the Sword addressed
Lovell in particular. When Lovell came round the Corner
of the House next Stow Hill heard him say to the Mob
"In my Men" then the Mob went up the Steps & attacked
the Door and fired. Several shots were fired into the
Room where the Soldiers were before the Shutters were
opened. Then the Soldiers commenced firing and the Mob
dispersed. Before that time Lovell had been a leading Man at
the Meeting of the Chartists held at Witness's House and was
a constant attendant there . Witness has heard the Prisoner
say many times in the Bar that they could have the
Charter, and the Charter they would have - that if they
could not have the Charter by fair means, they would have
it another way, The Prisoner was between the Stowhill Corner
and the front door of the Inn when he said "In my Men"
He said either my Men, or my Boys, he was one of the
the first that rushed in. _________ Call

To prove that he saw Lovell at the Westgate with the Mob
just before the firing commenced that he was marching with
them and had a Gun in his hand which he carried as if it was
on the full Cock, that he saw Lovell raise the Gun
to the Windows of the Westgate, this was just before the
firing commenced. _________ Call

To prove that Witness is Assistant Surgeon to Mr Brewer
and was called upon to attend the Prisoner John
Lovell soon after Riot commenced Found him in bed
at the House of Jenkyns a Shoemaker with a Gun
Shot Wound in his Thigh _________ Call

To prove that Witness was on duty at the front Door of
the Westgate, the advance of the mob in front of
the Westgate 8 or 9 came up to the door, one with
a Gun. Witness said you shall not come here
he answered - you have our Prisoners and
we'll have 'em out - that Man was afterwards shot - then
the Mob fired, and rushed on till the place was

[in l. margin]
you have our
Prisoners & we'll
have em out

[in right margin]
Danl Evans


Wm Jenkins
of Newport

Mr Wm Parfitt
Powell Assistant
to Mr Brewer
Surgeon Newport

Isaac Venn
of Newport
Dealer in Marine

[at foot]
Newport Public Reference Libraries

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