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[top right hand margin:-] 9
heard them say they would have liberty or death - that
they should not get to Newport that night and often
heard them say they were going to meet a main
body - When Frost said they were dismissed the person
guarding witness with a pistol walked off - Witness can
can scarcely doubt that Frost had the command of the mob -
When he came into the room the mob made way for
[in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Said Barnabas Brough 29]

To Prove that Frost was seen in front with Edmund Edmunds
who was armed and that Witness heard Edmunds say "Come
on Men" That the mob halted by the Waterloo and then
Edmunds cried out, all you with muskets come forwards,
in front and the pikemen next, and you as have clubs and
Bludgeons stop in the rear--------------------------------------------CALL
[in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Israel Furmen of Gellygroe 94]

To Prove that he was forced to accompany the mob with a
sword from the Rock to Jenny tips - The mob divided a
large company went by Argoed and another by the Rock
Witness arrived with them at the Welsh Oak there they
brought the Men out of their houses, Witness saw
Frost between the Cefn and the Welsh Oak about 4 in the
morning - he wore a red Cravat round his neck, the
men said to him Mr.Frost we had better return Frost
answered "No they had better not" they should come on
to Newport and take possession of the Poor House and
Soldiers and their arms - That there was a Store house
there where (there) was plenty of powder and then they would blow
up the Bridge and stop the Welsh Coaches that ran
to the north - then there would notice for them in
the north to commence on Monday night, that he (Frost))
should be able to see two or three of his friends or
enemies in Newport, witness went on to the Cefn - he
speaks to the young man (supposed to be W[illia]m Davies)
coming on Horseback to the Cefn and desiring the
men to go back as Frost was waiting and to their turning
back, and meeting Frost, and it was at that time that Frost
told him as above stated-------------------------------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Mr. Harford of Blackwood Collier]

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