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was made for Frost's Men That was somewhere between

the Tollhouse and Risca - They constantly said they were

going to meet a main Body - I am quite certain that when I

saw Mr Frost at the Beer-House nothing was said about

their going to Newport when Mr Frost said I was

dismissed - the person guarding me with the Pistol

immediately walked off - I heard a great deal of shouting

about the Beer house before I came up to it - it appeared

to be in consequence of fresh parties coming up - I was

perfectly cool, and felt a perfect reliance that my person

would be regarded - I can scarcely have a doubt that

Frost had the Command of the Mob - when Frost came into

the Room the Men immediately made way and cleared

for him - The Beerhouse I have been speaking of is

immediately adjoining the Tram Road, and the Turnpike

Road When I was discharged, I had about 13 miles to

get home I made the best of my way towards a terminus

called Twyn Bar-lum - when I got near there I rested

myself, for I was very much fatigued - I must have been

with them in durance from half past ten on Sunday night

until half past 6 on Monday morning - I was in a very

wet and dirty state - I saw the Man at the Toll Gate

frequently - he seemed to be much frightened - The direct

Highway from the Cefn to Newport would be through Stow

Hill Turnpike Gate - A person going from Stow Gate towards

the Cefn, would be in a direction to meet the Chartists as

they were coming down to Newport

Barnabus Brough

Newport Public Reference Libraries

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