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on side land ground - I have never heard the name of the house
indeed I can't tell you what time I arrived there, it was not
day light, I went down to another public house and was there
before it was day light, I seed the prisoner there, where this great
gang stopped he was standing and walking backwards and forwards
sometimes standing and sometimes walking about. I stopped at this
house where the great gang was about 20 minutes or half an
hour I suppose. We then went on to a small public house
on the side of the tram road, a good bit this side of
the house where the great gang was I know Sir Charles Morgan's
park indeed I can't tell you how far the house is from Sir Charles
Morgan's Park it is not a very long way we stopped there
till it was day light, til the gang did come down when the Gang came down we
stopped there till many hundreds of them went by and some
of them told me to join, then I joined them, I went down to
the Park and then we stopped a little there, we was standing
there - I did not hear any thing said there I was standing
back a good deal and some one told me to go on. I
afterwards went to a house I believe it is Waterloo house
they do call it. I did not hear any thing said in Sir
Charles Morgan's park only several people told me to go on,
that was all, they did not tell me what I was to do. I
did not hear any thing said to the Men they were walking
through the Park in ranks. I walked in rank - after I came
to the Waterloo house I was told to walk in rank. I dont
know what was said after we got to the Waterloo house that
Man told us to come on after a bit. After I left the Waterloo
I came on here to this house (the Westgate Inn) after we
left the Waterloo we came up a hill and turn down the road
after we got up to the top. I know a place called Stow
Hill in Newport I seed that to day, we did come down over
Stow Hill, that was 8 or 9 o'Clock in the morning. I
cant tell exactly I did not do nothing but cut off when I
heard they began to shoot. I did throw down the Gun in
that place I come down just by this corner at the bottom of the
hill before I heard the firing, my Gun was not loaded. I am

175 [encircled]

[Annotations in left margin:]
Waterloo House

told to walk in Rank


Stow Hill

heard shooting


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