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Matthew Pembro of Newport in the Newport in
the County of Monmouth Publican States-
I was standing at my door which is on Stow
Hill on Monday morning the 4th Nov[embe]r the day of the
Riots- I saw the mob go down Stow Hill to the
Westgate in Ranks armed with Guns pikes mandrels
and other weapons- I heard the firing at the
Westgate and shortly after saw the mob retreating
up Stow Hill- I saw many of them drop their
pikes- I pike [picked] up four or five pikes which I
saw the mob drop and which I gave to Scard the
police officer the pikes I picked up are of the same
description and similar to those I saw in the
hands of the mob when they marched down Stow Hill
and are similar to to those now produced- Scard the
police officer brought into my house between 10 & 11
o'clock on the Monday morning a great number of
similar pikes and mandrels I should think 150.

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Pikes & Weapons
found at Newport

Matthew Pembro

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