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I then informed him that the insurgents were about to enter the
Town and were very numerous that they were armed with formidable weapons that
it was probable they would commence by destroying property in which event it
would be necessary that we should march out to afford protection and that it was
desirable he should consider before hand how in that event his men could act with
most effect and least danger.

I now learnt that the Insurgents had actually entered the Town and were
within a short distance of the Westgate whereupon I proceeded into the passage of the house &
ordered the Special Constables who were around the door to withdraw into the house and
the front door of the house to be closed which was done I then proceeded into a room on
the first floor of the house which gave me a view of the road from the Church by which the
Insurgents were entering & saw a Column of men the head of which had already passed the
window wheel round to the front of the house. They were marching abreast in regular Order
armed with muskets pikes spears and other weapons and I remained at the window till 2
or three hundred had passed - I then ran down the stairs into the passage & on proceeding
to the centre of the passage which is immediately opposite the front door, I saw
that the front door was opened and that the insurgents were at that
moment entering the passage. I hurried forwards to the Room in which
the Soldiers were stationed and said Lieutenant Gray load instantly and
whilst the men were loading I heard several Shots fired into the ~~~
passages and the Windows of the Room in which the Soldiers were
placed were broken-. At that moment the shutters were still closed and prevented
the Soldiers who were in the room from seeing the Insurgents in front of the
houses and I called out those shutters must be opened. The Soldiers who were near
the windows had their muskets ready & could not conveniently open the shutters
whereupon Lieutenant Gray advanced to the front window and opened that shutter and
I followed to the side window which looks towards the centre of the House and
opened that shutter in doing which I received a wound in the arm and
another in the hip- The Soldiers had not yet fired but they now opened -
fire through the windows upon the insurgents in front of the House and
through the door upon those who had entered the passages- I remained in
the room until I found that the wound in my arm was bleeding
so fast as to induce me to think there was danger from the hemorrhage
and seeing a Special Constable at the door of a small pantry near
the entrance to the room, I crossed to him and asked him to band up
my Arm - Whilst he was endeavoring to do this one of the Insurgents


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