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Page 1:
Rees Rees of Pillgwenlly in the parish of Saint Woollos
in the county of Monmouth Constable States -
_____That on Sunday Morning the 4th Novr last I
was standing at the door of Mr Hopkins House
which is situated between Stow Hill and the
Westgate, and saw the Mob advancing down to
the Westgate in ranks some armed with guns
but the greater part with Pikes. I remained
at Mr Hopkins door until the firing was
over at the Westgate and saw the Mob retreating
up Stow Hill. I saw many of them drop
their weapons in the road. I picked up
several in different parts of the Town. I
should think to the number of forty, and
they appear to me to be of the same
description and similar to those now
_______________ The mark of
___________________ X
________________Rees Rees

John Rogers

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[across 2nd fold of page ]
Rees Rees
6 Copies
made 3/1/40
J.R. J.P. E.M.


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