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[top r. corner] 118
Mr Phelps then submitted to the Court that as this was a material
witness, and had it in his power to give important evidence - that he
now gives a quite different story from what he gave at several previous
periods, he should be placed in custody for the present, with a view to
further examination
Mr Coles - The Bench are determined to place the Prisoner apart from
other prisoners, for the present
Mr Hall applied to be allowed to put a few questions to him - the
magistrates having consented, he said - I cannot either read or write
I was not sober, when I was examined before, I did not consider that I was
examined on oath or that I was bound by what I said - He was then removed
in custody -
Jane Thomas sworn and examined by Mr Phelps said - I am servant
to Mr Pugh who keeps the Coach and Horses - I remember Sunday 3rd Novr
last - there were a great number of people in and out of the house all day
I know Mr John Frost - I have seen them - he was there that evening -
he came between 7 and 8 o'clock - I remember the Friday before - I saw
him there that day - Jones the watchmaker, of Pontypool was also there
that day - Zephaniah Williams was also there that day - I saw Mr Davies
of the shop come in on the Friday - he is son of Mr Roger Davis - Mr Davis is
the prisoner at the bar - I saw no one else there that I knew, on that -
evening - I do not know a man named "Mr Barrell " - I do not know Dr
Price MrJones & Mr Frost & Mr Williams had tea there on Friday evening
that was all I believe - I saw Mr Davis come into the kitchen - I
did not see him anywhere else - he did not see him talking
to any one - he was standing in the kitchen - I did not
see him that evening afterwards - I have never said I did
I do not know if there is a lodge held at my master's
house - I did not see Frost and Williams do anything
I did not see Mr Davies go out of the house - I am
speaking of Friday - I swear I did not see the prisoner
with Frost, Jones or Williams that night - I saw Mr Davies
again on Monday going down on horseback about 12 o'clock
I believe the horse was a brown one - there were not

[at foot]

[bottom right Newport Museum and Art Gallery stamp]

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