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Page 1:
Rega v Samuel Etheridge

Charles Rogers Chemist & Druggist

abiding at the house of his father William Rogers of ~
~the Town of Caerleon in the County of
Monmouth Linen Draper and Maltster states

On Monday the 4 Novr the day of the Riots at Newport
about 1/2 past 10 or 10 o Clock on the morning

^ I saw at his house - I
______________the Prisoner Saml Etheridge
was then in company with Walter Williams & Thomas
Gunter - the prisoner said to us they were going on very
comfortably and that they (meaning the mob)
would be in possession of the Town of Newport in half an Hour
- he said they (the Mob) was gone to a certain place
& afterwards added that they were gone to pull -
Lewis Edwards's House down - Prisoner also stated, to the
best of my recollection, that they intended taking
Mr Phillips (the Mayor) Prisoner and retaining him as a
Hostage till Vincent & others were liberated - He
also said that Newport would be ^burnt down before the
following morning he would venture his life - He Prisoner
pointed towards a great number of men standing in a Quarry near and
^ said they were waiting for -
another party to come down before they entered
the Town of Newport
____________________________Chas Rogers
Witness Edw Merrick


Page 2:
[across 2nd fold of page]

Rega v Saml Etheridge

Evidence of

Charles Rogers

13 Janry/40

Fair Copied by [?]E M


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