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Francis Morgan sworn states- I keep the -
Machine at Court y Bella and live there - I was there on Monday
morning last - I saw a large number of persons on that morning
they appeared to me to be coming from the Waterloo- I thought they
were all armed with Guns Pikes and various weapons that I never
saw before - I know John Lovell the Prisoner - I have been in
the habit of seeing Lovell almost daily for some time past and I
could not have been mistaken in his person - I can't say whether he
carried a Gun I was so much terrified - I recollect the Prisoner speaking
he said "is the Chartists all dead my boy what do you think of
us now" - I made no reply and the Prisoner passed on - he never stood
they did not attempt to press me I i was in the habit of saying to the prisoner
when I saw him how are the Chartists going on now and the Prisoner
was used to say "very well"
_____________________________________Francis Morgan

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