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John Thomas sworn says I am a Miner
at the Beaufort Works and live in the Parish of
Langattock Crickhowell in the County of
Brecon. I remember Sunday the 3rd
November Instant. I know David Jones,
he lives at Beaufort he is a Shoemaker,
I and David Jones went to Languninder that
afternoon. We went there to run away
from the Chartists, because we were informed
as they was going to raise that night.
that was the only reason. We run away
so as we not be took away
with them. I went to Chapel that
afternoon with David Jones at Lan
guninder. I know a Beer House called
the Lion we went there that afternoon. I
saw the Prisoner there he is Blacksmith
he had a table before him when I saw him,
he had the form of three manner of the
Chartist Pikes- they was drawed

[Newport Libraries embossed stamp]

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with Chalk upon the Table. David Jones
said to the Prisoner, what was that as he
had on theTable, the Prisoner said it
was the Pattern of Chartist Pikes, he said
he had made 53 of them, he said he
had took them up to the Rassa Lodge.
he said he had a shilling a piece for them
David Jones asked him did not he sell
them very cheap, he said no he did not
David Jones asked him he could be
of the conscience to make such things as
them, and David Jones did say per-
haps to kill his own neighbour and his
own family as well, the Prisoner said
as he was forced to do them, David Jones
did ask him, why did he do like that,
and run away after, the Prisoner said
as he would do very well, he said if
they gain the victory at Brecon, as he
would run his Pike into a Sheep, or a Fowl,
to get some Blood on it, and then it

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would show, that he had been with them
before,he would put some blood on it,
so has he should shew,that he had been
with them, then he did say that he heard
three say in the Rasso Lodge, as they
was enough for Mr.Summers Harford
Mr. Rosser at Ebbw Vale and the Police
man at Nantyglo, he said he would
have some blood on it, to show as he
had run it into somebody. We went
from there to another Public House
We got home on Wednesday morning,
one of the Drawings I saw was like one
of the Pikes now produced.The Prisoner
told me he made the Pikes at his
own House. By the Prisoner I
was not aware you were a Blacksmith
before that night, before you told me
_________________John Thomas

Taken before}
us __________}Ocatavius Morgan..
Saml. Homfray.
Geo Hall.
James Coles.

Page 4:
David Jones, sworn states. I live
at Beaufort in the Parish of Langattock
Crickhowell, in the County of Brecon.
I am a shoemaker, I know the Prisoner
he is a Blacksmith. I know John Thomas
of Beaufort, the last witness. I remember
Sunday the 3rd November Instant. I
saw John Thomas that day, I was with
him that afternoon, we went together to
Langunider, we went there to start
from the Chartists, for fear they would
take us along with them, I did hear
the Chartists was to rise that Sunday
the 3rd November. I know a House
called the Lion. I went to Chapel
that Evening, with Thomas. After we
went to Chapel we went to the Lion,
we saw the Prisoner there, he was
sitting down in the Kitchen, he had
a Table before him, I saw before him
on the Table a Drawing of three

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