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Page 1:
[top right margin] 46
The man gave it to me - I took it in
my left hand he made me take it
in my right hand - He then said
do you know what you're going at
my Chap- I said no I didn't -
He said " you mustn't be frightened -
nor brib'd for money -
you must fight for the Chartists-
Kiss the Book" - I did so - I
I saw all the others do the same - We -
then went down stairs - The same
man gave me a small Iron bar -
Iron bars were also given by him to
the others - We were conducted
along the Canal side to the Pontypool
Road - I went with them so far as
the first turning when I ran away
and returned home -
___________ John Pollock

I have Since been down to the House
to which I was taken - It is the Residence of the

Page 2:
[top line obscured ]
X Regina vPalmer
v Patrick Hickey [ a large X is written across these names]
X Unknown persons

of John Pollock [a large X is written across this name]

John Lewis of Pill
David Evans
Castle Brewery
in the Room
at Lewis's

27 Nov-r
for production
of fur-r Evidence

[at foot] 590

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