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John Partridge

Thomas Jones Phillips being sworn saith - That he
is a Solicitor residing at Newport - was not present when the attack was
^madeupon the Westgate Inn - I arrived that morning (Monday 4th Novr
instant) about half past 10 by the Tredegar Coach - I saw the marks
of bullets against the house and also a dead body under the Portico
of Mr Phillips (the Mayors) house - I went to The Westgate Inn
I saw several dead bodies lying in front of the Westgate Inn
I also saw several dead bodies in the interior of the Westgate Inn
I went upstairs and saw Mr Phillips (the Mayor)
- I saw that
he was wounded - I saw the wound in his arm whilst the Surgeon
was dressing it - it appeared a bullet wound -I also saw that he
was wounded in the side - I assisted the Magistrates in taking
evidence - I was present and took the information of parties who
inculpated John Frost as the Ringleader of the riot - Upon that
evidence the Magistrates granted Warrants for the apprehension of
John Frost and also to search his house for papers - I volunteered
my services to execute the Warrant to search the house of John
Frost I went to the house of John Frost attended by the Superintendent
of Police - I did not find him there -
this was between 5 and 6 o clock in the afternoon of
that day I
proceeded to search the house having informed Mr Frost the object
of my so doing I served all the papers I could find of the description
I considered I was authorized to seize of his manuscripts - The
magistrates had agreed to offer a reward of 100‚£ for the apprehension of
John Frost for High Treason - Bills offering that reward for his -
apprehension were issued - I do not recall seeing them before I went
to execute the warrant - I know John Partridge the prisoner - I have
known him for several years - I know that he has been very
intimate with John Frost for many years - I know that he has
been the printer of papers which John Frost has been the author of -
About 7 oclock in the evening of Monday the 4th Novr instant I went to
prisoner's (Partridges) house and attempted to open the front door but
found it fastened - I then knocked at the door and I heard Partridge's

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