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Page 1:
[top right hand margin:-] 102
Rega v. Geo. Turner
Wooden leg
John Stevens Engineer of the Fanny Locomotive
Engine in the employ of the Tredegar Iron Comp[an]y
states. On Monday the 4th November about
[left margin] What time [blank space] O'clock in the afternoon. I was returning
from Newport with the Engine & some empty
tram carriages - We overtook a great many
people on the Tram road who appeared to
[left margin] q. armed be going from Newport - Many of them got
up on the empty trams and rode - Near the
Full Moon public house Risca & below
Stricklands I overtook and passed Geo[rge] Turner
He was going up with the rest-
George Turner is a member of the Odd Fellow's Lodge - I know him well -

Page 2:
Reg[in]a v[ersus] Turner.
Stevens to be examined -
& blanks in Evidence to be
filled up -

Evidence of John
Stevens - Engineer in
the Tredegar Iron Company's
employ -

[centre bottom margin:-] 637

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