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Page 1:
Page 9

[Comprising two columns, with the
right-hand column headed "Witnesses"].

[Left:]Charles Groves Charged
with being a suspicious Chartr

[Right:]Henry Ewins & Percival Wells
as to Chartists Meetings

[Left:] Thos Saunders Charged
with Rioting on the 4 Novr

[Right :]Wm Thomas of Bassaleg
Evan Roberts - Moses James
Rees Rees

[Left:] Soloman Brittan -Charged
with being a Suspicious Character
[Right :] Sergt Reid of the
45 Regt of Foot

[Left:] James Morgan - Charged
with being a Suspicious Character
[Right :]Jno Davies

[Left:]J.W. Needs - Charged with
being a Suspicious Character
[Right :]Jno Davies
[Left:] Jno Lovell Charged with

[Right :] Henry Evans - Danl Evans
Mathew Pembro and
Thos Dyer.

[Left:] George Evans - Charged
with being a Suspicious
Character -
[Right:]Stephen Rogers

Page 2:
To the Magistrates

[at foot of page]
7.2.39 [?] W. G

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