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[top right corner] 39
The Queen agt John Frost
- for High Treason

Witnesses to prove the Indictmt

John Harford of Blackwood Bedwellty Collier
working at the Rock Colliery -
States that he saw Frost betwn Cefn & the Welsh
Oak on Monday morng the day of the riots abt 4
pm[??] , wearing a red cravat - Frost ...[*]
his intention as to Newport

Esther Pugh wife of Richd Pugh of Coach & Horses
[*] Blackwood -
[*indented] Z. Williams

States that Frost & Z. Williams were at
their House together on the Friday previous to the
riots, Frost stayed from 9 till 1/2 p[ast] 4 -

Job Tovey of ___ [blank] Colliery
States that Frost lodged at his House
Friday & Saturday Nights -
speaks to a meeting at Whitmonday & anor
at Blackwood at wh Frost spoke -

Susannah Tovey -
Will speak to same effect.

Harris Willm of Blackwood Collier
[indented] Z. Williams
States that on Sunday 3rd Nov. he saw Frost
& W. Davies standg on ... ye steps of the Coach & Horses
abt dark Frost was speaking to the Mob
That at the Welsh Oak Frost gave the word
"All you with pieces come in front" &c-

Brough Barnabas of Pontypool Brewer-
States that he was stopped on Sunday Night
by an armed body that he was forced with
them to Risca that he then saw Frost

[* ? makes known]

Page 2:

____who released him

Watkins Thos. Currier Pontypool - confirms Mr Brough's statement [*]

Morgan John of Tredegar Collier

States that at yeWelsh Oak he saw Frost who was telling

the men "to get on"

That in the Park Frost told the men to stand

in ranks on the two lines of tram-road he came up & spoke
to me
States going into Newport to the Westgate he was

then 7 yards from Frost who turned to the crowd & heard him
say "fire fire fire' very quickly this was before the

soldiers fired - the mob imm-ly fired.

Donovan John Risca Shoemaker

States going down to Newport with the Mob saw a man

he believes to be John Frost one of the men said "We shall

have a big loaf when we get to Newport"

Maddock Thomas Tredegar Nailor
[indented beneath this heading]
States that abt the middle of Octr he attended a

meeting at Blaina back of Z. Williams House abt

4 or 500 thenFrost spoke & said if the men e[ndure]d
stick true to their courage that he (Frost ) had

no doubt they wd have the Charter & that shortly

that he was willing to sacrifice his life to

maintain the cause
W Jones spoke

Then Frost stated he wd. head the ranks

to any thing that wd. take place

Hodge James of Woodfield Collier -

States he saw Frost at the Coach & Horses

on Sunday Ev-g 3 Nov.r ab-t. 7 o'Clock - he asked

him if he was going to attack ye Workhouse

because if he did their lives wd be

sacrificed. Frost replied they were only

going to shew Government what strength they

Page 3:
had - speaks of a man distributing ammun-n

to the mob - speaks of their way down to

Newport - Frost marshalling the mob

of his requesting Frost to send the Men

back to the Hills which he refused-

Williams Matthew Argoed Colliery Quarryman

Attended a Chartist meeting on Saturday Night

& was told he shd receive his ins[struc] tions next
morn-g that on Sunday night they met abt

100. George Reeves met them, he said he was

a messenger from Frost that we were to meet

& come along to Newport by daylight - he said

that Mr Frosts orders were that we were

to stop the Coaches & the Post - went

with the Mob saw Frost at the Royal
Oak Risca - Frost accompanied the Mob

to Newport. -the last time he saw Frost

was opposite the R-Catholic Chapel.

After a word was given saw the men

rushing with their pikes at the Westgate


Lloyd Edmund Royal Oak Blackwood Publican
[indented beneath heading]
Z. Williams

States that he saw Frost Z. Williams &

Jones - sevl days at Blackwood previous

to the riot & heard that the above

parties held meetings at Blackwood

the week before the riot.

Coles James Pill - y Blacksmith employed in Mr

Phelps Shop

States that on Monday between 8 & 9 o'Clock

he walked with John Rees to the Tram road

to ye Waterloo T - ke Gate [*] where they met a

large body of men armed who appeared to have

two leaders Frost & Jack the Fifer -

[* i.e. Turnpike Gate]

Page 4:
Frost asked me where the Soldiers were
I said a doz[en] at the Westgate & ye rest at at
the Poor House - accompanied the Mob
down - & afwds saw Frost running away
to the Waterloo Gate

[indented in left margin below Davies Wm]
Z Williams
Davies William of Blackwood son of Roger Davies States
that he had been a member of the Chartist
Lodge held at the Coach and Horses for some time
States meetings on Monday the 28th Octr &
the following nights that on Thursday night
Frost Jones Z. Williams & Barwell were there
organizing - On Friday ab-t 12 he
went to Pugh's were there was a Meeting
of Frost Wm Jones Z. Williams and many
o-r delegates - Reynolds chairman - each
delegate gave in his report as to the

number of men he c-d bring armed - thought
they were about 5000 armed men - it was
agreed that all were to get their men together
armed & to meet in the most conv-t place
in ye neighb-d they were to be at Risca
by 12 oClock & to obey their Leaders
I went to Newport with my father on
ye Saturday & at ye request of young
Frost took in the Phaeton home a delegate
from Bradford - This delegate & myself
saw Mr Frost at Job Toveys . Went
with Frost & the Delegate to the Coach
& Horses where we met Reynolds & Barwell
spoke of the rising - the delegate thought
it premature but Frost said they could
not put it off as it had been agreed to
at the meeting the day before - it had

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