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Page 28 Document No 762

20 Dec 1839

My Dear Sir
Your letter of the 17th and 19th came to
hand this morning on my return hither. In
pursuance of the request made in the first I
transmit six printed lists of the Jury and so
soon as I receive from Mr Bellamy the names of
the witnesses on the back of the Bill will forward them.
I hardly know what to say to your intelligence
of the 19 th I hope it will not embarass, but you
will bear in mind that all the 12 prisoners are
in the Indictment, and therefore a witness against
any one may possibly be considered as against all
and of whom all may be interested in having and entitled
to have notice - You will also allow me remind you
W.T.H.Phelps Esq


Newport Monmouthshire

Newport Public Reference Libraries

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altho I dare say it is unecessary that any further
evidence which you may collect must be limited to
those witnesses whose names are in the list - I shall
wish to learn as soon as possible the particular
evidence we may expect from W. Davies, if he knows
what is stated in the mem[oran]du-m in my possession
he must be acquainted with much more

Yr-s very sincerely

Geo Maule

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[across r.h. fold of page]

Treasury London Dec 20th

George Maule Esq

answrd -

15 - 11


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