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"An oral history interview with Ena Radway in Newport, discussing her experience of growing up within a family which migrated from the Caribbean during the 1960s. “Things don’t remain as they was… man messed it up and it becomes so hostile.”
Ena Radway was born in Jamaica and her husband sent for her in 1962.

“I came to the UK ending of March 1962; I was 25. I was married and my husband came over first, about nine months before.

""He was always a traveller, my husband, and he sent for me. The Queen, as you all know, invite us to come to this country… if you could afford to pay the boat fare"".

""We were British subjects at that time, before Jamaica getting independence. Everything began to rather unravel, and then the problems start. My first hospital job was at Glan Ely, Fairwater in Cardiff… [I did] six years doing nights when my children were young"".

""I wanted a job in the Gwent… so in 1972, I received a form and went for the interview and got the job. I worked 18 years on nights until my youngest could stay on their own. My husband had a day job. Then I come on days to work.
I didn’t think I would [be] retired in this country, because everybody come here and say they would spend five years and go back"".

""My parents didn’t have a lot, but they give us whatever they could afford… we hoped when we came here that we could help them"".

""My strength that keeps me going is God. I do whatever is in my power to help. Don’t know what the future holds, but for now I feel like I’m settled.”

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