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Punch & Die was the official Aero Zipp Fasteners Limited magazine. The first issue was published in July 1945.

Treforest Trading Estate, near Pontypridd, was set up as part of the Special Areas Act of 1934. The Act was created to help parts of Britain with high unemployment, and it offered support to businesses to set up in these areas. When the Nazis began seizing Jewish businesses in Germany in the years after 1933, many Jewish refugees fled here to establish their businesses with help from this scheme.

By May 1940, 55 businesses started by Jewish refugees were running at Treforest. They provided jobs for around 1,800 local people. One of these factories was Aero Zipp Fasteners set up by refugee industrialist Joachim Koppel, a Jewish businessman who spent many years of his life in Berlin until he had to flee. Aero Zipp produced metal zip fasteners. They had their factory at Treforest and their offices in London. During World War 2, like several other Jewish businesses, they contributed to the war effort by making military equipment.

The magazines include a history of the Aero Zipp Factory, articles about the factory’s origins and the Aero Zipp Social Club, cultural activities and entertainment, Trade Unionism, comments and suggestions from the employees, news from departments, notices of deaths, etc.

In June 1950, the magazine’s cover design and name were changed; the magazine was renamed ‘The Aerozipper’ as it aimed to reach readers inside and outside the company.

The magazines were donated to JHASW/CHIDC in 2022 by Dennis Backer, whose father, Joachim (Joe) Backer, worked for Aero Zipp and was at one time part of the team that produced Punch & Die; he was one of the magazine’s first editors in 1945 and a frequent contributor under his own name and a variety of aliases. He kept the copies of the magazine as his keepsakes and eventually passed them to his son Dennis.


Beebe, Tiffany, Britain’s special areas and the refugee crisis [accessed 30 July 2024]

Hollander, Ton, Aero Zipp Fasteners Treforest 1967 [accessed 30 July 2024].

Refugees from National Socialism in Wales, Treforest Trading Estate [accessed 30 July 2024]

Depository: Glamorgan Archives.

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Comments (2)

Meirion's profile picture
I think my father worked at this factory. He once told me that he had been working in a zip factory in South Wales before he joined the Royal Navy in May 1943 aged 18 yrs. To my knowledge, there were no other zip factories in South Wales at the time(? I may be wrong). He moved down from Glyndyfrdwy, North Wales where the main employer at the time was the local slate mine. Both his grandfathers and his father had worked at the mine (Moel Fferna). I think that because of WW2, demand for slate for export had dropped and people had to look elsewhere for work - especially in the more industrial South. His listed occupation at the time of sign up was "Punch makers mate" - an occupation you probably don't find these days !! I doubt if any old employee records still exist from that time ?
Jewish History Association of South Wales / Cymdeithas Hanes Iddewig De Cymru's profile picture
Sorry, we're not aware of any extant employee records.

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