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Moel Tryfan slate quarry, opened in 1800, was worked with Alexandra quarry to the NE from 1918. The quarry was still working by 1972.

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Comments (3)

Anonymous's profile picture
my first job was at chwarel foel in 1956 i was 15 then, i have verry good memories of them days my father who was a quarryman was called Ifan reifl. we lived 2 miles from the quarry. Eilian williams.
Gathering The Jewels's profile picture
Thank you for your comment Eilian. We as well as others would love to read about any stories or memories that you would like to share on People’s Collection Wales. Or if you have any pictures of you or your father's time at the quarry, your contribution would be greatly valued.
Gathering The Jewels's profile picture
Diolch i chi am eich sylwadau Eilian. Byddem yn ogystal ag eraill wrth ein bodd yn darllen unrhyw straeon neu atgofion y byddech yn hoffi eu rhannu ar Casgliad y Werin Cymru. Neu os oes gennych unrhyw luniau o'r adeg i chi neu eich tad ei wario yn y chware, mi fyddai cyfraniad yn cael ei werthfawrogi yn fawr.

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