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Across the zebra crossing is the one oldest buildings in the town - Royal House. It was once a medieval court house, but has been converted into several dwellings over the centuries. There is reported to be a coat of arms on one of the walls inside, but whose arms is not known (the house was owned by a succession of mercers from the 1600s onwards). It is so called because King Charles is reported to have slept there one night. The 1911 Machynlleth Borough Guide notes that 'The bed on which he slept in the possession of the owner of the house, Colonel Rock, and is kept at Esgair Hall'. Another famous association is to Dayfdd Gam, who was imprisoned here for attempting the life of Owen Glyndwr. Gam was a cousin of Glyndwr, but had allegiances to the King of England. He came to Machynlleth in 1404 with the intention of assassinating Glyndwr at the first senedd meeting. His plan was exposed and he was imprisoned in Royal House until 1414. After his release, he fought for Henry V at Agincourt in 1415 and is mention in Shakespeare's Henry V play. Follow these links to see some of the interior features of Royal House: interior 1, interior 2

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