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Grave in memory of Elizabeth Mason in area A at St John's church, Ysbyty Cynfyn (A84). See plan for area A for the grave's location in the graveyard.

Inscription A84: YMA/ dodwyd y rhan farwol o/ ELIZABETH./ Gwraig LEWIS MASON or Lle'r/ neuaddau yn y plwyf hwn yr/ hon a fu farw ar y 10fed dydd o fis/ Tachwedd 1843/ YN 56 MLWYDD OED. Am hynny byddwch chwithau barod; canys yn yr awr ni thybioch y daw Mab y dyn./ Matth XXIV, 44/ Yn ddiau Mab y dyn a ddaw/ Ar amser prysur sydd gerllaw:/ Fe'i gwelir ar gymmylau'r nef./ A llu angylaidd gydag ef.

Description: Urn carved in the top centre of the stone. The rondel at the top of the urn has a face carved into it. There are two flowers either side of the urn. Under this there is a breaker between the decoration and the inscription which resembles feathers.

This grave was photographed as part of a Graveyard Survey carried out with the help of volunteers in 2013.

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