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Grave in memory of John and Elizabeth Jones in area B at St John's church, Ysbyty Cynfyn (B65). See plan for area B for the grave's location in the graveyard.

Inscription B65: ER COF/ AM/ JOHN JONES. YSTUMTUEN FORT./ A FU FARW MAI 25 1853,/ YN 58 MLWYDD OED./ HEFYD/ ELIZABETH JONES, PRIOD Y DYWEDEDIG UCHOD/ A FU FARW AWST 10 ED 1859,/ YN 54 MLWYDD OED./ Gwyn fyd y rhai sy'n madael,/ Yn dawel yn dy hedd;/ Gan edrych mewn sirroldeb./ Yn gwyneb angeu a'r bedd,/ Cant orphwys oddi wrth lafur,/ Trafferthus fyd o boen:/ A chanu haleliwia,/ Heb dewi gyda'r oen.

Description: The stone looks like it may be a double headed stone however it is one inscription over the whole stone. The flatstone has J E incised on it within two concentric hearts. The er and cof are in elaborate decorative script.

This grave was photographed as part of a Graveyard Survey carried out with the help of volunteers in 2013.

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