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Peace and Goodwill Message Poster for 1985. Themes: danger of nuclear weapons and need for youth to link up, formulated by Aelwyd Trawsfynydd, how Glyn who is blind and from Trawsfynydd is cared for in his community, Regina from Germany who organised an exchange visit and a link between the youth, proud of man’s ability to generate energy from nuclear, fear that nuclear technology is used to threaten the existence of man, Year of Youth International, contact between the youth of the world important, appeal to understand the hopes and aspirations of others, reduce the suspicion in our world. Quote: "In this year of Youth International, let us pledge ourselves anew to play our part in improving the lot of our fellow men; in developing links with young people in other countries; and in proving that it is the open hand of love and friendship that will bring peace not the threatening fist of nuclear armaments…. If young people like us can talk to each other we shall be contributing to a better understanding between nations large and small and whittling away the ignorance, prejudice and suspicions of the world.”
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