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The 1985 Annual Report for Cardiff Flatshop. The report covers the usual items (Chairman's report, service reports, accounts etc.) but also includes a report written by one of the volunteers.

Page eleven of the 1985 Annual Report for Cardiff Flatshop has a 'Volunteer's report' written by Jenny, a fifteen-year old volunteer. She describes how she wouldn't go to school and that her mother kicked her out of their home three times between the ages of 14 to 15. Staying with friends who were not well-off, she was caught twice for shoplifting for food and clothes, went to court and was given a supervision order for 12 months. Her social worker helped her get onto a scheme for 15 year olds called Community Service Volunteers, and she was found a place at Cardiff Flatshop.

Jenny had reception and typing duties, and explains that she likes Flatshop because "you are treated like an equal and an adult rather than as little children, you are allowed to smoke, have a laugh and a chat. You don't have to wear any sort of uniform and you don't have teachers on your back all the time." She thinks the work has kept her out of trouble with the police and concludes: "It is nice to feel that you are helping for a change instead of the other way around. My mother and I still argue, but not as much as we used to, I think its because she can see that I am doing something for myself for once instead of relying on others."

Cardiff Flat Shop was set up by Cardiff Community Concern at 58 Charles Street, Cardiff, to campaign for young single people and childless couples on their housing needs and to help them find accommodation. It was registered as a charity on 20 February 1981 and its function was later adopted by Cardiff Council. Cardiff Community Concern was an alternative advice and information centre for young people run by volunteers. It became a registered charity in 1979 and has now evolved into Grassroots, the City Centre Youth Project.

Glamorgan Archives, D20/7

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