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A bilingual leaflet advertising the 'Wales March Against Women's Unemployment / Ymdaith Cymru yn Erbyn Diweithdra Merched', on 4 September 1982, organised by the Wales Women's Rights Committee.

The march went from Pontypridd to Cathays Park, via Newport Rd, and was followed by a rally and social. A crèche was advertised. The women were marching against government policies driving women back into the home, the slander of 'pin money', and for equality of opportunity for women in the search of jobs. Also included is a form for donations.

The Wales Women's Rights Committee's main objective was to bring about a change in attitudes about the nature and role of the sexes. They were also interested in other social policies and were affiliated with other campaigns, such as the Campaign Against a Criminal Trespass Law in 1977.

Glamorgan Archives, DWAW35

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