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Statement of David Davies, also known as 'Dai'r Cantwr', a prisoner at Carmarthen Gaol, relating to the propsal to burn the house of James Banning (William Chambers's steward), the farm at Tynywern, and to burn Banning therein.


'The Voluntary Examination and statement of David Davies otherwise called Dai'r Cantwr now a Prisoner confined in the Gaol of the County of Carmarthen under sentence made in the presence and hearing of Mr. Chambers Junior Esq, J. P. & John M. Tierney, Inspector of the Metropolitan Police, the seventeenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1844 relative to a proposal to Burn Banning's house, the farm of Tyynywern and to burn Banning therein. I was one night drinking at the Stag and Pheasant public house, there were others in the house, about Eight or ten, present when I happened to go out to a young woman and during my absence with her most of the company had got off, except Evan of Gellyhir who was at the Stag and Pheasant when I returned. He told me to go to the Farmers' Arms and he would bring me there some vicuals, I did go, but could not go in as the door was shut; I was afterwards called to a Cross Road about twenty or thirty yards from the Farmers' Arms when I there found Johnny of Yscybborfawr, Will Davies, Pontyberem, Evan of Gellyhir, John, the shoemaker and another fellow named John, who is courting a young woman at Cilferryissa, Shoni of Yscybborfawr and Will Davies had guns, Evan of Gellyhir asked me if I had had my pint of beer, I said, no, he then told me he had a cake and some cheese for me, which he gave to me, and I eat it; Evan of Gellyhir then said he had two little jobs to do, somebody asked what it was, he appointed us to go to Tynynywern, and Burn Banning's house and to stand at Tynynywern door and not let Banning out, I then said I should not like to do that, to kill the poor man and his family Evan then said I want to burn his house and burn him in. Evan then said Banning must be burnt and that I must destroy that old chambers, I then asked him what Evan had against Banning, he ...'

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