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Bradley Iron Works,
4 Oct 1799


Mr. T. Jones has mentioned to me your declining on Account of your Health to take the Charge of my Smelting Works at Brymbo w[hi]ch I should have been glad you had done if it had been agreeable to yourself, as it is my wish that you should not in any Degree be in a worse situation from any changes that take place.

It is my intention to build one or two addi[tional] Furnaces to my present works, which when done, I must purchase the diff[eren]t ores which you used to have to Coedpoeth & as you are acquainted with that Branch of the Business shall be glad if you will take upon you the buying for me, I making an Allowance to you for it.

From your recommendation I will get you to make an Agreement with John Bond to attend my smelting works, & the Ore weighings, the wages or salary I leave to you to fix with him. I could also wish you to engage the two ...

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